from AMT
Meet the pan “Pan for your lifetime”, created entirely in the spirit of eco – for all those to whom ecology is an important element while making purchase decisions. This unique product implements as many as 4 different ideas which help to protect the environment.
Don’t throw away – renew!
We set a new global trend – you will never have to throw away worn out pan again! AMT cookware have been for a long time one of the most reliable and durable in the world. It will stay with you for many years. Now you can enjoy them throughout your whole life and even pass them on to future generations.
If the outer layer becomes worn out after long use, you can send us your frying pan at any time. We will refresh and cover it with a new layer of Lotan® non-stick coating, restoring its excellent properties and original shine even after years of use.
You will enjoy the perfect frying and cooking results anew, while saving the environment from excess of garbage—for a fraction of the original buying price.
Have your pan recoated!

Let the Earth breathe
The new AMT “pan for your lifetime” is made of recycled aluminum. This means that enormous amount of aluminum garbage littering our planet gets a new life, and you can enjoy new, reliable, eco-friendly pan that will be used by the next generations.
By using such a high-quality product, you are doing something significantly helping the natural environment—you protect it from generating further waste and save our natural resources.
Have your pan recoated!Solar energy.
Choose a natural production source
The sun is the eternal force that gives life to our planet. Thanks to advanced processing technologies, we can use it as an energy generator, favoring the entire natural environment.
By purchasing a „Pan for your lifetime“ you are purchasing a product manufactured with solar energy.
Have your pan recoated!

Less CO2.
Limit your carbon footprint
CO2 is an environmentally hazardous greenhouse gas, emitted during the production and consumption of goods and services. It is no secret that electricity has hudge impact in their production.
Conscious selection of products that you will use for a long time will significantly reduce your carbon footprint.
Recoating cookware significantly reduces the carbon footprint.
Have your pan recoated!Additional
benefits for
the environment…
and for you!
Like all our cookware, the AMT Pan “for your Lifetime” allows you to save up to 30% of energy.
Due to the fact that it is made of a special, fully safe casted aluminum and a thick thermal base, it conducts heat quickly and maintains the temperature for a longer time, even when the stove is turned off.
On the other hand, the Lotan® coating allows instant cleaning without the need to use a lot of water and detergents.